We are the creators of MOMO

About our team

We are a small team of developers and traders who thrive on challenges and solving problems. We've built businesses, architected SaaS systems for the finance market (ask us about the joys of parsing CUSIPS and calculating an accurate BEY from FINRA PSA tables), regularly trade complex stock instruments, and now build stock apps that serve our needs and hopefully yours.

As you know trading is a complicated battle of emotions, awareness and timing. MOMO helps you tame your emotions with relevant awareness and timing to profit from momentum.

About our history

Mometic (think momentum + analytics) was founded when biotechs were making explosive moves on a near daily basis in 2014. Discovering these moves early was all but impossible and there were no options to scan for breakouts on mobile devices. Our research and philosophy is that there is a sweetspot of a trade which carries the greatest return at the lowest risk. Much like momentum - a ball starts rolling slowly, increases to where inertia maintains momentum then gradually loses energy or hits an immovable object. With this in mind we built MOMO - a set of tools to uncover stocks making the fastest moves and showing the strongest inertia.

Why build MOMO? We find building and releasing products immensely satisfying. More satisfying than making a $100k profit on a trade. Seriously. We also use MOMO every day - recent trades uncovered with $10k or more in profits include: NIO, AMC, REGN, APRN, BLNK, NERV, SONN, INO, and NET


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